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More like day and night, not only tanabata

Magpie Bridge meet 

                  Qixi festival, also known as Qiqiao Festival, Qijie Festival, daughter's Day, Qiqiqiao Festival, Qinianghui, Qixi Festival, Bull Popo Day, Qiaoxi, is a traditional Chinese folk festival. Qixi festival derived from star worship, for the traditional sense of the seventh sister birthday, because the worship of“Seventh sister” activities held on the seventh night of July, hence the name“Qixi”.

            Tanabata festival is not only a festival of paying respects to the seventh sister, but also a festival of love. It is a comprehensive festival with women as the main body, taking the “The Weaver Girl and the Cowherd” folklore as the carrier, taking blessing, begging for skillfulness and love as the theme. The The Weaver Girl and the Cowherd of the Qixi Festival comes from people's worship of natural phenomena. In ancient times, people matched the astronomical region with the geographical region, in geographical terms, it is called“Division”. Legend has it that The Weaver Girl and the Cowherd meet on the Magpie Bridge in the sky on the seventh day of July every year.

           According to records, Qixi Festival began in the Western Han dynasty, prosperous in the Song dynasty, spread to the present, in the past, there are many traditional customs, we simply look. The Tanabata Festival has many customs, in the past, it was mostly organized worship activities, such as the seventh sister worship, worship of the cowherd, worship of the star, worship of the seventh lady, etc. , such as“Needle-piercing”, “Orchid night fighting”, “Happy spider should be skillful”, “Needle-piercing to the moon” and“Needle-throwing test” and other colorful folk activities; moreover, different customs, each with its own characteristics, for example, there will be fragrant bridge, seven sister water, Tanabata Water, water, water, Tanabata, Qiqiao tribute, for the cattle birthday, sun books and clothes, listen to whispers, begging for marriage, children, nail dye, knot red hair rope, girls shampoo and other traditional customs.

               Tanabata tenderness, autumn amorous feelings, hand in hand to play charming mood, put all the troubles stop, let love and love to travel together, fluctuating the balance of life, let smile for you amorous, set sail from Zibo. Good luck with your career and love. No mausoleum, river dried up, love you heart unchanged, Heaven and earth, Winter Thunder Summer Snow, love you unwavering, withered plants, the ends of the Earth, lovesickness can not be less, hand in hand, forever, Qixi Festival Love!

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