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Kai-fan staff style | Serious and responsible, positive | Wang ran

She is self-motivated and dedicated to her job; she is down-to-earth and serious, has been fast and efficient to complete the leadership assigned to the urgent task; she has strong communication skills, actively cooperate with the leadership organization of the company's activities, for the unity and stability of the company has made outstanding contributions! She is Wang Ran, an outstanding employee of Qifan in Zibo 

Four years of work, she strictly abide by the company's rules and regulations, obey the work, the positive spirit of work by the leadership and colleagues recognized! With her ability to work for the company to make excellent performance, for the company to win the respect and appreciation of customers, earned a good reputation.

In life can take good care of all aspects of the family, filial piety both parents, is the family's good wife is a good mother in the eyes of children!

23,2020.3.23, hobbies: travel, singing, Honor awards: 2023 won the “WNBA Most Improved Player Award of the year” on November 23, like words: not thinking about the past, do not worry about the present, have no fear of the future; Sail in my eyes: Sail Like a compass, guide me to the direction!

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