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Brand strength, solid backing - Haihua Factory visit

In order to better cooperate with both sides and better serve customers, on December 22, Mr. Wu Qiang, general manager of Zibo Qifan Economic and Trade Co., LTD., and representatives of Zibo Qifan employees, accompanied by General Manager Song and Manager Ten of Shandong Haihua Hualong New Materials Co., LTD., visited Shandong Haihua Hualong new materials production line at zero distance. Intuitively feel the advanced and efficient intelligent manufacturing of sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate, and witness the whole process of safe production of sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate. 

Shandong Haihua Group Co., Ltd. is a large state-owned enterprise group in Weifang City. It has one listed company-Shandong Haihua Co., Ltd. and 26 branches and subsidiaries. It covers an area of 128 square kilometers, with a registered capital of 724 million yuan and a total asset of 24.676 billion yuan. It ranks 116th among the top 500 petroleum and chemical enterprises in terms of sales revenue (comprehensive category) in 2022, and is an important national soda ash production enterprise, sodium nitrite, sodium nitrate production enterprise, Marine chemical production and export base, domestic salt chemical leading enterprise, and Weifang high-end chemical industry chain Marine chemical comprehensive utilization "chain master" enterprise.

The company pursues excellence and strives for the first-class, deeply delves into the field of Marine chemical industry, and expands emerging industries. Its main business is manufacturing and selling various chemical products such as soda ash and raw salt, chemical raw materials, petrochemical, power generation, etc., covering the four major sectors of salt chemical, energy, petrochemical, and new materials, with more than 10 main products. Among them, the production capacity of soda ash, raw salt, calcium chloride, sodium disodium, bromine and magnesium chloride is in the forefront of the country. The company has been identified by six ministries and commissions as one of the first batch of circular economy pilot units in the country, and has been awarded postdoctoral research workstation, Shandong Provincial Technology Innovation Center for Efficient Utilization of Marine brine resources, Shandong Engineering Research Center for Utilization of Marine (brine) water resources and membrane separation, and municipal enterprise Technology Center. Won the national "May Day" Labor Award, Shandong Province Civilized Unit, Shandong Province Outstanding Enterprise of Management innovation, Shandong Province Outstanding contribution to energy conservation enterprise, Shandong Province Advanced unit of comprehensive utilization of resources, Shandong Province innovative enterprise, Shandong social responsibility enterprise and other titles.

Zibo Qifan Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. as a key partner of Shandong Haihua Hualong New Materials Co., LTD., both sides have always maintained a friendly relationship of cooperation, the Zibo Qifan came to Shandong Haihua Hualong new Materials Co., LTD., to jointly explore the opportunity for deep cooperation.

In a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, the leaders communicated with each other and shared their experiences and feelings. This exchange not only deepened our understanding of Haihua brand, but also established a closer cooperation and win-win relationship between Qifan and Haihua. Zibo Qifan Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. General manager Wu and company representatives in Shandong Haihua Hualong New materials Co., Ltd. office building hall photo.

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