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Qifan staff style | Sales Minister | Sui Ningxuan

Zibo Qifan Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. sales director Comrade Sui Ningxuan, since March 7, 2017 to join the work, from sales salesman to sales manager, and then to sales minister, he will be personal growth and enterprise development closely combined, with personal actions to practice the core values of Qifan.


His ability to implement instructions, his affinity in the communication process, his decisiveness in dealing with problems, his observation in looking at things, and his awareness in building brand culture show his charm everywhere. In the enterprise management, reform and development, he plays the backbone of the middle-level backbone and makes outstanding contributions. He has repeatedly won the company's outstanding staff, sales elite, excellent minister and other titles.

At work, he is a business expert in the eyes of colleagues. In the process of customer service, he solves problems and challenges with keen insight, experience and wisdom, and wins the love and recognition of customers.

With the careful guidance of the leadership and the enthusiastic help of his colleagues, his excellent working ability and professional quality gradually showed. From the beginning of the sales white, to now can be independent. He learned the most basic qualities as a salesman: he needs to have certain observation ability, adaptability and so on. These skills have had a profound impact on his career development. At the same time, he also realized that only by constantly studying hard can he better meet the needs of customers and contribute his strength to the company's service quality and reputation. In the sales champion award on January 1, 2023, the company awarded NIO a car.

In his life, he loves food and has a simple and happy little master.

Like words: life is always good, no matter the pain and joy, are the ingredients in life.

Qifan in my eyes: Qifan will not live up to every person who struggles hard.

Hobbies: Football, free combat, swimming, socializing.

Set wisdom and play in one, show courage and charm in one, with noble personality charm to affect the colleagues around, with dedication and play to write a sail people's feelings, this is comrade Sui Ningxuan. Wish you a better future in Kai Fan!


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