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Celebrated the 96th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army

   Every year on August 1 is the anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, commonly known as "August 1" Army Day. On August 1, 1927, under the leadership of Zhou Enlai, He Long, Ye Ting, Zhu De and Liu Bocheng, the Communist Party of China led the Northern Expedition Army of more than 30,000 men to hold an armed uprising in Nanchang, Jiangxi, firing the first shot against the Kuomintang reactionaries.


    On June 15, 1949, the Chinese People's Revolutionary Military Commission issued an order to use the word "August 1" as the main symbol of the flag and emblem of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. After the founding of New China, this anniversary was renamed the Chinese People's Liberation Army Founding Day. During the Army Day, all parts of China should focus on carrying out activities of "supporting the army and respecting the family, supporting the government and loving the people" to commemorate the birth of the people's army.

    A military flag is a flag that symbolizes an army or an organization. The flag of the Chinese People's Liberation Army is red, decorated with a golden five-pointed star and the word "81", indicating that the Chinese People's Liberation Army has won the great victory of the Chinese revolution under the leadership of the Party after a long and arduous struggle since the Nanchang uprising on August 1, 1927.

    Specifications of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Flag (in accordance with the regulations promulgated by the General Staff in January 1951) :

    The military flag may be awarded to troops and colleges at or above the regimental level, and a ceremony may be held when the flag is presented.

    The military flag is mainly used for participating in ceremonies, reviews, grand gatherings, parades and other occasions. The flag is held by the flag bearer, and there is a flag guard on each side, which is located in the front of the army.

    The military flag of the Chinese People's Liberation Army is the symbol of the armed forces of the People's Republic of China and a symbol of the honor, courage and glory of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. It inspires all commanders and combatants to bear in mind their sacred duties, be loyal to the motherland, the people and the Party, and defend the sacred territory and dignity of the motherland at the cost of their own lives.

    Army Day is to commemorate the birth of the people's army and hardships, stimulate the soldiers to defend the country's fighting spirit, the festival in August 1 every year, usually this day all over China to focus on "support the army, support the family, support the government and love the people" activities, to commemorate the birth of the people's army, Army Day customs are generally organs and social groups to carry out various forms of support activities.

    Every year on the Army Day, the troops organize grand commemorative activities to celebrate their own festivals. Governments at all levels also organize grand military and civilian evening parties or sittdowns to invite representatives of the old Red Army, demobilized army cadres, disabled revolutionary soldiers and families of martyrs.

    At the same time, it is also necessary to organize activities to support the army and honor the family, publicize the glorious tradition of the people's army, check the implementation of the work of special care, and find problems and difficulties to solve in a timely manner. Governments at all levels and the broad masses of the people have always carried out activities to support the army and honor the family as a "retention festival" to commemorate the Army Day.

    August 1 is a glorious, great and historically significant day. August 1 every year is a time to reflect China's prosperity and strength, which has special significance for the people of the whole country.

    We remember the August 1 Army Day this solemn and sacred festival, is always to remind themselves, this powerful, hard-won. This peace is hard won; It is to better protect and develop the thriving Chinese land. What we express should not only be the respect for the soldiers and the blessing of the soldiers, but also the feelings of the children who love the motherland and devote themselves to the construction of the motherland.

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