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Pay tribute to heroes fighting against the epidemic -- Zibo Qifan Trading Co.Ltd

On the morning of September 8, the National CoVID-19 Recognition Conference was held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

"The majority of medical staff is the most beautiful angel, is the new era of the most lovely people!
Their names and exploits will never be forgotten by the state, the people, or history, and will always be engraved on the monument of the Republic!"
On September 8th, xi jinping, general secretary in the national fight against COVID - 19 the commendation meeting for the outbreak to national MEDALS and national honorary title winners medal awarded MEDALS and delivered an important speech, fully affirmed China's fight against COVID - 19 outbreak of major strategic achievements, reviewed all the extraordinary in the struggle of resistance to disease course, inspiring millions of people to keep on learning disease resistance hero, carry forward the great spirit of resistance to disease, Marty natalegawa unity open.

General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of The People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission Present MEDALS to Zhong Nanshan, recipient of the Order of the Republic (front row, second from right), And Zhang Boli, recipient of the People's Hero National Honorary title (front row, second from left), Zhang Dingyu (front row, first from right) and Chen Wei (front row, first from left).

"At the national CoVID-19 Recognition Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping said that there are no heroes who fall from the sky, only ordinary people who stand up.
We used to hear people say that our generation grew up in a honey pot and did not suffer hardship. In fact, our living conditions have changed, but our patriotism and mission have not.
When young people prosper, the country will prosper; when young people become strong, the country will become strong. Youth power will surely become the hard and nuclear force to promote the cause of the Party and the country and realize the Chinese dream in the new era.

Let us pay tribute to, admire and learn from heroes, stay true to our original aspiration, keep our mission firmly in mind and forge ahead!"

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