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【 Safety science 】 Chemical fire fighting countermeasures


Security risk
The main risks of chemical plant fire fighting are combustion explosion, device collapse, poisoning and suffocation, high temperature and high pressure, radiation damage, flowing fire siege and so on.

1. Set up a reasonable position. Vehicle parking and position setting should adhere to the principle of upwind or side wind direction, avoid the risk areas such as flowing fire, explosion shock wave, poisoning, corrosion, radioactive sources, as well as the process pipeline and pressure vessel of the manhole cover and accident device, to prevent accidental injury during disposal.

2. Take anti-virus measures. Implement the requirements of "fire prevention, explosion-proof, anti-gas, anti-burn, anti-frostbite, anti-isotope radiation", and protect harmful gas incinerators from open flame according to the situation; If the process is not in place or the site situation is unknown, it is strictly prohibited to blindly go into the internal operation.

3. Make it clear what is off-limits. It is strictly forbidden for combatants to enter the multi-layer device frame to carry out fire extinguishing and cooling operations; When fighting ground fire, do not enter the burning area or foam covered area.

4. Identify risks accurately. For the installation area with radioactive source level meter, it is necessary to maintain a safe distance and be alert to the indirect radiation contaminated by the water flow after the melt of the lead box; For hazardous sources of active substances (triethylaluminum, sesquicylaluminum and other catalysts), it is strictly prohibited to shoot water to save; For the toxic areas formed by the reaction of severe drugs or the mixed reaction of various materials in the device, timely safety protection should be implemented to reduce front-line operators.

5. Be wary of special equipment. For cooling and extinguishing of high-temperature heat exchangers and high-temperature oil pumps (crude oil distillation unit slag pumps), the operation should avoid the sector area of the high-pressure heat exchanger head; For high temperature and high pressure, hydrogen reactor (kettle) and other equipment, it is strictly prohibited to use direct water cooling and fire suppression; For low-temperature cryogenic containers and pipelines, it is strictly prohibited to shoot water for fire suppression and cooling.



Hazardous chemical storage site

Fire fighting

There are risks of explosion impact, poisoning and suffocation, corrosion and burn, collapse and fall in the fire fighting of hazardous chemical storage places.

1. Set the position reasonably. The participating vehicles are prohibited from parking in low-lying places and near manhole covers and sewers, and must maintain a sufficient safe distance from the scene, and must not rashly enter the factory area or reservoir area.

2, careful attack melee. If the situation on the scene is unknown and an explosion is occurring or is likely to occur, it is not allowed to force a close battle; If the situation on the scene is more clear, and if effective measures are not taken in time, disastrous consequences will occur, an attack may be organized after investigation and judgment that the scene has operational conditions.

3, the correct selection of fire extinguishing agent. Reasonable selection of fire extinguishing agents, toxic gas fire should be diluted by mist or flowering water; Flammable liquid fire should be put out with foam covering; Use carbon dioxide and dry powder to extinguish combustible gas fires; Water burning or active metal fire should be covered with dry powder, sand, cement or special fire extinguishing agent, and water shooting is strictly prohibited.

4. Strengthen security protection. We must wear the appropriate protective equipment according to the danger level. The attack route should be entered from the windward or side windward direction, and the spraying equipment should be used to change the jet to cover the attack according to the situation. Water gunners should use walls, columns and other shelters as much as possible to maintain a sufficient safe distance, and choose large-caliber water (foam) guns (guns) according to the situation. When the internal situation is dangerous, mobile guns should be set up; Minimize the on-site personnel, make full use of terrain and ground objects as shelters, avoid the direction of pressure relief; When water is needed to cover or reduce toxicity, there should be no less than 2 water supply lines, and they should come from different water supply vehicles.

5. Prevent building collapse. In the process of fire fighting, pay attention to the bearing capacity of the warehouse frame to prevent collapse; Pay attention to the spread of the warehouse and surrounding buildings, should observe the wind direction at the first time, and stop the fire from spreading to the adjacent warehouse.

6. Implement on-site decontamination. After the disposal is completed, decontamination treatment shall be carried out on the participating commanders and combatants, fire-fighting appliances, personal protective equipment and vehicles to prevent secondary pollution.

Chemical storage tank fire rescue

Chemical storage tank fire fighting mainly has the risk of combustion explosion, high temperature radiation, poisoning asphyxiation, boiling sputtering, corrosion frostbite, flowing fire siege and so on.

Warning item
1. Strengthen on-site reconnaissance and identification. Through on-site identification, DCS system in the central control room, and consulting design and construction drawings, we verify and confirm disposal elements such as tank type, storage medium, storage and transportation technology, operating conditions, accident site, burning form and disaster grade, comprehensively analyze and judge safety risks such as overpressure and overtemperature, and take targeted preventive measures.

2. Strict personal safety protection. Wear personal protective equipment according to the site conditions, implement fire prevention, explosion-proof, anti-gas, anti-freeze, anti-burn and other measures. When climbing the tank to extinguish the fire of the floating top crude oil storage tank, it is necessary to do a good job of respiratory protection against hydrogen sulfide, especially after the fire is extinguished, the hydrogen sulfide concentration increases, and the gas concentration monitoring and respiratory protection should be strengthened.

3. Set up offensive positions reasonably. Participating vehicles stop in the upwind or side of the upwind direction, with the front facing the evacuation direction, are strictly forbidden to stop in low-lying places and near the cover of manholes and sewers, and must maintain a sufficient safe distance from the scene, and must not rashly enter the storage tank area.

4. Prevent re-ignition and re-outbreak. When the full pressure, semi-frozen and fully frozen storage tanks are disposed of liquefied hydrocarbon, the reignition and re-explosion should be prevented after the fire of liquefied hydrocarbon is extinguished. In case of leakage accidents, facilities such as rain drains and ditches should be closed in time to prevent liquefied hydrocarbons from leaking out along underground hidden facilities and burning back to the storage tank area in case of open fire.

5. Clear emergency evacuation signals. On-site observation posts should be set up to issue early warnings of danger in a timely manner. Commanders should make timely decisions such as emergency evacuation or suspension of disposal according to the development degree of the disaster and the consequences of the harm, and front-line combatants should take emergency risk-off measures according to the situation.

Road transport of hazardous chemicals

Accident disposal

The main risks in the handling of road transportation accidents of hazardous chemicals are burning explosion, poisoning asphyxiation, corrosion frostbite, explosion impact, high pressure jet and so on.

Warning item
1. Implement security alert. Strictly implement the warning measures, delimit the warning area according to the requirements, prohibit irrelevant vehicles and personnel from entering, and set up obvious warning signs when necessary. Personnel entering the warning area should strictly protect against static electricity, thermal radiation, frostbite, anesthesia, asphyxiation, corrosion and poisoning according to the physical and chemical properties of the medium.

2. Identify the material to be transported. For highly toxic, nerve agents, special hazardous chemicals and unconfirmed hazardous chemicals transport vehicle accidents, shall not be blindly disposed of; It is necessary to expand the scope of warning, improve the level of protection, sample and send for inspection when necessary, determine the type and physical and chemical properties of the substance, and mobilize professional personnel for disposal.

3. Avoid the blast area. When a fire occurs in the road transport tank truck of hazardous chemicals, it is not appropriate to directly extinguish the flame and prevent the backfire explosion from injuring people before the measures such as closing the valve and plugging the leak are fully in place. When dealing with the leakage accident of CNG tank truck (compressed natural gas), the disposal personnel should avoid the leakage port, burst plate, valve and other parts to prevent the cutting injury caused by high pressure gas; It is strictly prohibited to stay or deploy personnel at the head of the tank body and the tail of the long tube trailer to prevent injury from overpressure explosion.

4. Use caution when shooting water. When cooling dilution and explosion suppression are carried out in normal temperature pressure or low temperature normal pressure tank car accidents, spray water gun, water curtain water gun or mobile swing gun should be used for continuous dilution, and direct water should not be sprayed or water should be shot into the safety valve of the overpressure tank body, and water should not be shot into the frosting surface of the low temperature normal pressure tank car to prevent overpressure rupture of the tank body or explosion injury.

5. Strictly implement can pouring. When handling full-pressure liquefied hydrocarbon transport vehicles loaded with butadiene, butene-1, isobutene, maletene-2, fumetene-2, etc., it is not easy to directly pour the tank, and the spare tank should be filled with nitrogen to prevent the formation of peroxide polymerization decomposition explosion.

6. Pay attention to emergency avoidance. In case of emergency avoidance or emergency evacuation, it is strictly prohibited to evacuate to low-lying areas or the direction of the explosion impact object, withdraw from the explosion core area should immediately find shelter or lie down in the direction of the explosion impact, and it is strictly prohibited to stand and watch or walk on the explosion impact pressure relief surface.

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