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World Food Day - Cherish food, start from me


World Food Day (WFD) is a day commemorated by governments around the world every year on October 16 to promote food and agricultural production. World Food Day, is held in November 1979 the 20th session of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (referred to as "FAO ") General Assembly decided: October 16, 1981 for the first World Food Day anniversary. Since then, World Food Day has been observed on this day every year.



China is a large agricultural country with a large population. In 2008, China's total grain has exceeded 1 trillion jin, and the per capita level of grain has exceeded 380 kg, which is higher than the world's per capita level. In 2013, the total grain output of China reached 601.935 million tons (1203.87 billion jin), and broke the mark of 1.2 trillion jin for the first time. China has increased production for 10 consecutive years for the first time since the founding of New China. But food problem is still the outstanding problem in national economy development. Therefore, it is important for the national economy and people's livelihood and social stability to carry out propaganda and education activities to love food festival and oppose waste. Hard work and frugality are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. In order to promote the construction of a conservation-oriented society, the State Food Administration has determined the theme of the "Love Food Festival and Food Publicity Week" as "Food and Building a conservation-oriented society". Every citizen should establish the concept of "saving food is glorious, wasting food is shameful", consciously start from now, start from their own, save every grain of food, resist and oppose the waste of food behavior, develop a good fashion of frugality.

Zibo Qifan Economic and Trade Co., Ltd. cares for employees. Since September 2022, the company canteen has provided clean and hygienic lunches for everyone. On this special day, we appeal to save every grain of food, don't forget hungry when full.


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