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The first departmental exchange seminar and League building activities in 2022

 25 days have passed since the lunar new year. At the beginning of the new year, the partners of Zibo Qifan held the first work exchange meeting of various departments in 2022.

As the saying goes: when people are united, Mount Tai moves. Whether the relationship between departments is harmonious or not directly affects the operation efficiency of enterprises. At this meeting, all departments put forward their opinions to each other. I hope you can learn from each other's strengths and complement each other's weaknesses. All departments can cooperate perfectly, raise problems and propose solutions accordingly.

In order to strengthen the close relationship between employees and management, the company's activity Department organized a team cooperation game during the meeting. Through the experience of exploratory training, we can deeply understand the relationship between individuals, individuals and organizations, and explore our own potential, so as to produce a positive outlook on life and improve employees' loyalty and sense of honor to the enterprise.

In 2022, apart from the glory created yesterday, the memory of our concerted efforts is still shining. Looking at today's impressive success, the scene of our close cooperation has become a thing of the past; Welcome tomorrow's brilliant prosperity, hold sincerity, invite unity, and wish our tomorrow will be better!

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