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100 Years Birthday, carry forward the future

  July 1st, it is destined to be a epoch-making day, a day that makes millions of people rejoice, a day that makes China move towards great rejuvenation.

  It has gone through years of baptism, experienced the vicissitudes of the wind and cloud, experienced the humiliation of exploitation, experienced countless suffering, all the way twists and turns all the way song, a hundred years of revival of vitality. From 13 members of the Founding Party of a major party to over 90 million members today, from the country's initial creation of a blank sheet of paper to today's remarkable achievements, from the entwining of poverty for thousands of years to today's comprehensive building of a moderately prosperous society, generation after generation of Chinese communists have led the people of all ethnic groups across the country to great achievements that have attracted worldwide attention. They have composed magnificent poems swallowing mountains and rivers. This has been the 100 years of continuous struggle, the 100 years of inspiring songs, the 100 years of great achievements. 

  Today, the "Fuxing" train leads the world at a speed of 350 kilometers per hour. New Shoots of innovation and development are springing up everywhere in China. The vast starry sky is filled with bright sparks, we have come to a point where we are closer, more confident, and more capable of achieving the Chinese Dream than at any other time in history.

   A Hundred Years of journey is like a song, the present day China's birthday is in full bloom. 100 years is just a prologue, then set out, a more magnificent journey is about to start; forward, the greater victory is still ahead! You are like a dream, like the wind, like a sail; you are like a beacon, like a goal, like a journey. I am glad that you are at the helm of this great ship of China, heading for the second centenary goal, making progress towards socialist modernization and setting sail for the building of a great modern socialist country in an all-round way, time can not outrun us, and history will keep pace with us. With your presence, sweat will be able to irrigate the flowers of victory, action will be able to play a new era of gorgeous music.

  What a privilege it is to witness such a glorious history, a history that is taking place, a future that is inspiring. Keep in mind the positive energy of China, and continue to use your hands to write a new chapter.

My dear party, 1.4 billion Chinese are lucky to have you. May the mountains and rivers be safe and the motherland prosper.


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