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Sailing, looking forward to 2022

   The end of the year is approaching, and the new year is approaching. Unconsciously, the work of 2021 will come to an end. With the ringing of the New Year bell, 2022 has ushered in a new and full of expectations. The arrival of the new year will also usher in more arduous challenges! 

    Today (January 4, 2022), the partners of Zibo Qifan gathered together to welcome the annual year-end summary meeting and commendation meeting. We will comprehensively summarize the company's work in 2021, commend various advanced in the past year, jointly deploy the work in 2022, further understand the situation, enhance confidence, work together, and devote ourselves to the work in 2022 with a fuller mental state and a more diligent attitude. Now please follow our memory and focus on this meeting again!

  Mr. Wu Qiang, general manager, delivered a speech, summarizing 2021 and looking forward to 2022!

Commend the outstanding advanced individuals in 2021

Mr. Wu Qiang, general manager of the company, made a summary of the summary and commendation meeting

The conference ended successfully. In 2021, we have paid too much and gained too much. The road to the future is farther and wider. In 2022, Zibo will set sail and beat the drum again to make a breakthrough and win the future!

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