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Self-discipline and heteronomy

To observe discipline requires self-discipline and other rules.
Self-discipline refers to a person's potential for self-policing, introspection and self-restraint and self-improvement.
Heteronomy is a necessary external condition for personal growth, progress and social development, and it is the restriction from external education, criticism and supervision.

Self-discipline and heteronomy go hand in hand.
It is far from enough to rely on other-discipline alone. Without self-restraint of self-discipline, it is difficult to achieve the situation of discipline.
At the same time, it is not easy to do it by self-discipline alone. If you can do it one day and violate discipline the next day, if you cannot form a good habit of discipline, you must rely on others' discipline.

In work, excessive emphasis on the role of self-discipline while neglecting the role of other-discipline, lack of sound and effective supervision and restriction measures, weak will, personality is young people often can not withstand the constant impact of various temptations, become undisciplined people.
The important thing is that self-discipline needs to be accomplished by others.
Because, the different form education and each kind of severe punishment measure is the important way that makes the person distinguish right and wrong, clear the right and wrong, draw a lesson, strengthen self-discipline and means.
Self-discipline belongs to the form of soft restraint, heteronomy is the guarantee of mandatory discipline.

The other law includes criticism, education and punishment, which are indispensable medicine to make people recognize mistakes, correct mistakes, return from the wrong way, wake up on the wrong road, and pull back from the precipice.
Supervision is through external constraints on the behavior of the object.
Among them, the system, rules, laws and other constraints belong to rigid constraints, just like the red light on the road, cross the line will be punished.
Heterophony is the most basic and important form of restriction, and it is the fundamental guarantee to ensure the completion of various tasks. Strengthening and advocating self-discipline is the internal requirement of social progress and the objective need of building a harmonious society.
Only strengthen self-discipline, unswervingly adhere to the bottom line of morality and law, and on this basis to constantly improve the quality of life, improve all kinds of potential, this is the basic principle of life.



The value of self-discipline lies in perseverance, the prevention of indiscretion, "careful beginning" and "careful end", to do "an idea is not to suppress, move of the wrong is to change", never let the discipline in the mind has the upper hand.

Self-discipline and heteronomy must not be neglected.

The more he is disciplined, the more he will be disciplined;

The more people with self-discipline, the more polite, harmonious and progressive the society will be, and vice versa.

The strength of self-discipline and heteronomy determines the rise and fall and success of a person, a group, even a political party and a national cause.

Anyone, no matter how special his position, should strengthen his self-discipline and surround himself with effective heteronomy.

Only in this way, can we really create a good atmosphere, so that people can not bear to be evil;

Good institutions prevent men from being evil;

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