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On the road to a strong military, xi jinping's words hearten the military!


On the morning of November 27, xi jinping, general secretary of the communist party of China (CPC) central committee, President of the people's liberation army (PLA) and chairman of the central military commission (CMC), delivered an important speech at the opening ceremony of the President's training session of the PLA academy. This year is a crucial year for the implementation of the 13th five-year plan for the development of the armed forces and the realization of the 2020 targets for national defense and military development. Since the beginning of this year, xi jinping has issued a series of important statements on strengthening and invigorating the armed forces on different occasions. These words of the strong army, the morale of the army!


1. Resolutely obey the command of the CPC central committee and the CMC


We will continue to build and control the armed forces ideologically and politically, ensure that they resolutely uphold the authority of the CPC central committee and the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC central committee and obey the command of the CPC central committee and the CMC.

-- February 2, 2019, during a visit to the Beijing garrison

2. Ensure a high degree of concentration, unity and pure consolidation of forces

We will fully and strictly govern the party and the army, carry out regular ideological and administrative work, ensure that the armed forces are highly centralized, unified, and consolidated, and ensure their security and stability.

-- August 22, 2019, during a visit to an air force base

3. Ensure the implementation of major construction tasks and the realization of key capacity indicators

We need to focus on the overall layout with a clear plan, focus on key projects urgently needed for military preparedness, key support for the combat system, and supporting the reform of national defense and the armed forces, so as to ensure the landing of major construction tasks and the realization of key capability indicators.

-- March 12, 2019, when attending the plenary meeting of the PLA and armed police force delegations

4. We will give priority to implementing the reform that has an overall bearing on war readiness

We need to keep in mind the relationship between priorities and priorities. We need to give high priority to the implementation of reforms that are in line with the overall situation of war readiness, involve the joint operation of systems, and are conducive to enhancing the sense of gain of officers and soldiers.

-- stressed at the 16th group study session of the political bureau of the CPC central committee on July 30, 2019

5. Put up your war baton

We must put in place the military strategic thinking for the new era, the military strategic guidelines for the new era, the command baton for war preparedness, and the responsibility for fighting war readiness. We must strengthen the concept of combat teams and uphold combat effectiveness as the only fundamental criterion. All work and construction, and all forces and resources in all fields should focus on and serve military preparedness, so as to greatly enhance military preparedness.

-- stressed at the CMC military work conference on January 4, 2019

6. Teach a war what it takes, and train an army what it needs

We should grasp the characteristics and laws of modern warfare and the requirements of the army's transformation and construction, so that we can teach the army what it needs and train the army what it needs, so that the supply side of talent training can be precisely aligned with the demand side of the future battlefield.

-- May 21, 2019, during a visit to the army infantry academy

7. Make sure you can go and win if something comes up

To strengthen responsibility, really grasp the solid preparation, always ready to make sure that once something can go up, fight to win. We should adhere to actual combat and joint combat training, strengthen confrontational, targeted and coordinated training, and improve the quality and level of training.

-- August 22, 2019, during a visit to an air force base

8. The way to build a strong army is to win people

The way to a strong army is to win people. We must fully implement the policy of military education for the new era, fully implement the strategy of strengthening the armed forces by personnel, comprehensively deepen the reform and innovation of military academies, give more prominence to the training of personnel, and train high-quality and specialized military personnel of a new type with both moral integrity and ability.

-- on November 27, 2019, at the opening ceremony of the general training session of the PLA academy

There is much to be done at the grassroots level to strengthen the armed forces

There is much to be done at the grassroots level to strengthen the armed forces. I hope you will study hard, keep your faith, practice your skills and make new achievements. You will strive to be good soldiers in the new era and write a hot youth chapter in the melting pot of the people's army.

-- on January 21, 2019, I replied to all the soldiers of "wang jieban" of a brigade of the 71st group army

A team that forges iron with strict rule of law and discipline

We must forge an excellent base with strict discipline and morality, and with strict rule of law and discipline, we must consolidate the will of iron, temper the style of iron and forge the team of iron. We will fully implement the principle of running the armed forces in accordance with the law and with strict discipline, implement regulations and regulations, and adhere to the guidelines.

-- on November 8, 2019, at the central military commission (CMC) grassroots construction meeting

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