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Happiness hides in confusion



Two things in life: busy and sober. Be idle, be foolish.



Live confused people, easy to be happy; He that lives sober is apt to be vexed.


The sober man sees too clearly, too seriously, and is troubled everywhere; And confused people, care less, but find the great taste of life.


Too sober people are destined to live hard, there are always tired of, there is always not put down, struggling; Sometimes, it is better to be confused than to be sober.


There were two drowning people, one with excellent eyesight and the other suffering from myopia. They struggled on the wide river and were soon exhausted.


Suddenly, the one with good eyesight saw a small boat not far ahead, which was coming towards them.


The one suffering from myopia also saw it dimly. So they plucked up their courage and swam towards the boat.


As he swam, the one with good eyesight stopped, for he could see that it was not a boat, but a piece of decayed wood.


But the nearsighted man does not know that it is a piece of wood, he is still struggling to swim. When he finally reached his destination and found that it was a piece of decayed wood, he was not far from shore.


The one with good eyesight lost his life in the water, while the one with short sight gained a new life.



Mu xin said: "the world of good people, there is always a kind of confusion."



Zheng banqiao said: "rare confused, suffer losses is a blessing."


Bai yansong said: "the two basic points of life is confused, chic point."


There were two patients with cancer. A man is so quick to hear that he has only three months to live.


The other person is hard of hearing. Don't overhear the doctor's talk.


Strange to say, he had not only lived three months, but now two years had passed and he was still alive.


Many things do not know better than to know, not informed than informed is better, not smart than smart is better.


This is what people often call "infrequent confusion".


I also heard a story like this:


In the western han dynasty, the emperor gave a flock of sheep to a eunuch and asked him to share them with his ministers. But the eunuch was in a dilemma, and did not know how to divide the sheep.


At this time, a minister came over, easily led a lamb, said, "thank the emperor for the reward!" "And happily led the sheep home.


The other ministers followed his example by leading a random sheep and shane went home.


Later, the minister was promoted by the emperor and respected by his officials.


In fact, sometimes people really need to be a little silly. The less fussy people are, the more they tend to gain a lot of extra things.


Sometimes the more you want something, the more god won't let you have it.



Muddiness is not foolish, nor is it ignorance, but a kind of tolerance, a kind of accomplishment, is a state.



Confucius found confusion, named the mean;

Laotse found the confusion, named wuwei;

Zhuangzi found confused, the name of the free and unfettered;

Mozi found confused, named non - attack;

The tathagata found confused, the name selfless.

A little confused friends, don't care about pay to get;

To others confused, so as to win trust;

To love a little confused, give him freedom and give their own space;

If you don't know things, you'll cross that bridge when you come to it.

A little muddle on the financial interests, do not harm the harmony;

Human calculation on a bit confused, clear conscience;

In the struggle for fame and fortune, a little confused, do not bother the brain;

A little muddle in the gossip, not tired ears.

Maybe you are not learned, maybe you are not smart, but you may be the happiest person.

What you have is a fluke, what you lose is life.


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