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Beware of the polarization of production safety -- thoughts on the investigation of dye and intermed


According to the field survey conducted by the Yangtze river economic belt dye and intermediate industry development research group of China chemical press, the safety level and intelligence level of devices have been significantly improved by technological transformation and process innovation in many enterprises, and the overall safety level has reached a new level. But in the course of more than a year of investigation, the explosion from the dye and dye intermediate enterprise still can be heard. From the occurrence of a number of safety production accidents also reflects that there are still some enterprises follow the extensive production mode, resulting in the Yangtze river economic belt dye and dye intermediate enterprises more obvious phenomenon of polarization.




A number of advanced enterprises continue to strengthen security research, replacement technology, for production can be prevented and controlled scientific guarantee. For example, the thermal risk and chemical process safety assessment of the whole production process carried out by zhejiang longsheng research institute can improve the essential safety level from the production system core, which can effectively prevent and control the explosion caused by the sudden interruption of the cooling system and the sharp increase of reaction heat release caused by the sudden power failure, equipment failure and other special circumstances. It can also master the environmental conditions, time and heat generation of the accumulated materials, and effectively prevent and control the occurrence of fire or explosion accidents caused by the accumulated materials.


However, the research group also found that due to the long-term extensive production and management inertia, the Yangtze river economic belt dye and dye intermediate industry still has many historical problems. Faced with the market demand of rapid expansion, some enterprises fail to establish a solid foundation and practice the concept of green development. They fail to keep the bottom line of safe development, cross the red line of safe production and ignore the awareness of essential safety and environmental friendliness. In more than a year of investigation, the research group has encountered a number of intermediate explosions that shook the country. In 2019, the "3 · 21" explosion of xiangshui jiayi company caused 78 deaths. In 2018, 19 people were killed in a July 12 explosion and fire at yibin hengda technology co., LTD. In 2017, lianyungang juxin biotechnology co., LTD. "12 · 9" major explosion accident, resulting in 10 deaths...


These safety accidents have caused huge losses to people's life and property safety, and also brought painful lessons to the dye and intermediate industry, which has seriously affected the image of the chemical industry. The published investigation results of juxin company's "12 · 9" major explosion accident and hengda's "7 · 12" major explosion fire accident show that both of these two enterprises have illegal production and fail to fulfill the responsibility of the main body of the enterprise's safety production, which is the main indirect cause of the accident.


The production and supervision of dyes and dye intermediates are of special complexity, and there are safety risks in every link of production and management. In recent years, due to the decline in the quality of some enterprises, equipment aging, management chaos, safety awareness is weak, so that the number of safety hazards, security risks more prominent. The research group had seen in the investigation, a dye enterprise fire accident, the fire truck arrived at the scene of the accident half an hour later. Most of the operators in juxin's "12 · 9" accident workshop are junior high school or below, which does not meet the national compulsory requirement that operators involved in "two key and one major" devices must have a high school education or above.


Governments at all levels and chemical industry organizations have always attached great importance to the sustainable development of dyestuff and intermediates. "The 13th five-year development plan for the dye industry" in particular points out that "paying attention to the ecological safety of products is of great significance for promoting the innovation-driven and transformational development of China's dye and intermediate industries. At the same time, the state and industry developed a series of safety production related policies. In 2017, the China federation of petroleum and chemical industries formulated six action plans for green development of the petroleum and chemical industries, among which "safety management improvement" put forward: "with the focus on improving the work safety responsibility system, a sound work safety responsibility system and a hidden danger detection and control system should be established in the whole industry. At the end of march this year, the office of the security commission of the state council and the ministry of emergency management proposed to strengthen work safety governance in accordance with the law, further promote work safety standardization, and improve the implementation of the "blacklist" system for work safety. In April, the ministry of industry and information technology issued the notice on further improving production safety management in the industrial sector, emphasizing once again to consolidate the safety foundation, improve their own safety management ability, and promote the implementation of the main responsibility of production safety.


Therefore, in order to avoid the recurrence of this series of heart-wrenching tragedies, it is necessary to coordinate the efforts of all parties, firmly establish the sense of responsibility for production safety, and promote the healthy and orderly development of the dye and intermediate industries in a coordinated manner, so as to fundamentally reverse the polarization of production safety.


First, we need to strengthen guidance and supervision, and promote the implementation of major policies and guidelines. Across all levels of government, industry organizations shoulder the deployment of the major policies of the CPC Central Committee and the decision into implementation plan, the strategic development of the Yangtze river economic zone on the implementation of major mission, strictly implement the "pipe industry must pipe security, business must pipe safety, production must tube safety" requirements, guide enterprises to strengthen production safety consciousness, build the atmosphere of advocating ecological civilization, responsibility. And timely help enterprises to solve the practical problems encountered in the development, in terms of policies, funds and other aspects for enterprises to adapt to local conditions to create conditions for transformation and upgrading, dye and intermediate enterprises are widely expected.


Secondly, dye and intermediate enterprises should strengthen the main responsibility of production safety, and encourage and force enterprises to promote transformation and upgrading spontaneously. Enterprise managers should have a deep understanding that the essential safety and environmental friendliness are the foundation and premise for the smooth operation and healthy development of enterprises, the red line that cannot be crossed in normal production, and the bottom line that must be adhered to when the industry moves towards high-quality development.


Thirdly, it is necessary to stimulate the internal motivation of enterprises, especially many small and medium-sized enterprises with relatively weak safety. The production of dyes and intermediates cannot be separated from high-risk production sections, and safety risks are difficult to be completely avoided. From RunTu shares, Long Cheng group, however, research group of hai xiang pharmaceutical, bo Australia dyestuff, Alfred, anthracene, golden pheasant industry, such as the north red light the fact that a batch of advanced enterprise research shows that as long as the enterprise standard management, top-down fulfillment of each post due diligence responsibilities, in strict accordance with the procedures, the guarantee to implement the provisions of the essential safety and pollution emission reduction, enterprise production operation safety and environmental accidents are preventable, safety risk and environmental risk can be controlled.


Finally, we should constantly strengthen technological innovation and introduce and train high-end and high-quality talents. Advanced enterprises should dare to break and stand, and continue to promote technology, technology, product innovation; Backward enterprises should learn from the successful experience of advanced enterprises, optimize the technological level, and realize the transformation and upgrading. We will use advanced and applicable technologies to upgrade traditional processes, and carry out substitution and low-risk transformation for products, processes and equipment involving high risk. In addition, dye and intermediate enterprises should strengthen personnel training, play the role of colleges and vocational colleges to integrate responsibility care into vocational education, and accelerate the training of a large number of technical and skilled personnel with the awareness of production safety.


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