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A classic quote from Charlie Munger

 Berkshire Hathaway Vice Chairman Charlie Munger has died peacefully in a California hospital at the age of 99, the company said.

"Berkshire Hathaway would not have grown to its current position without the inspiration, wisdom and involvement of Charlie Munger," Buffett said in a statement about his business partner and right-hand man of 60 years.

Munger was born in Omaha, Nebraska, on January 1, 1924, and grew up in a relatively wealthy and respected family, the son of a lawyer, writer and social activist. After the outbreak of World War II, he left the University of Michigan to join the military, and after the war enrolled in Harvard Law School, before entering the investment world in 1962.

As a widely respected investor, Munger's thoughts relate to individual lives and he has extensive experience in building wealth and successfully navigating life's challenges.

There is a proverb that says, "Death is not the end, forgetting is." Mr. Munger may be gone, but his thoughts will forever touch us. The way to honor a wise man is to practice his wisdom and learn it for life.

Quotes from the master:

1, don't wrestle with a pig, because you will get all dirty, and the other person will enjoy it.

2, The best way to get what you want is to deserve it.

3. In general, jealousy, resentment, and self-pity are disastrous ways of thinking. Too much self-pity borders on paranoia, and paranoia is one of the hardest things to reverse. Let's not get caught up in self-pity.

4. What is basic, universal wisdom? If these things are not organized into the memory grid, they exist in a form that is not usable. You have to model it in your brain.

5. People calculate too much and think too little.

6. There is no one-size-fits-all formula. You need to know a lot about business, human nature, and numbers, and don't expect a magic system to do it for you.

7, try to wake up smarter than you went to bed yesterday, day after day, if you live long enough, in the end you will get what you deserve.

8. If only I knew where I would die, I would never go there.

9. He would rather share "how to avoid failure" than "how to succeed"; Instead of looking for what to do, I'd rather think about what not to do. I'd rather admit stupidity than seek cleverness.

10. Do not abandon ship while it is sinking unless you can swim to another ship that can sail.

11, the real martial arts secret, has always been very simple. Because what is really hard is the persistence day after day.

Shortcuts, in fact, are the farthest detours. Stolen clever, in fact, is fatal foolishness. Do not take the shortcut, in fact, is the fastest shortcut.

13, there are two important principles of fishing, the first is to fish where there are fish, the second is not to forget the first principle.

Success is doing nothing stupid.

Real value investment starts at the age of 40.

Just be prepared to take a few chances in life. Take appropriate action quickly, do simple and logical things, and you will have a tremendous increase in wealth in this lifetime.

Things, to the simple place to think, to the serious place.

18, You don't have to be very good, as long as you keep a little smarter than others for a long, long time is enough.

Learn to bear losses, you need to have patience, discipline, and the ability to not go crazy even if you suffer losses and adversity.

20. Keep your expectations low, have a sense of humor, and surround yourself with the love of friends and family.

21, if your lifestyle is right, then you will only be happier in old age than when you were young.

If you want to win the first, you must take the lead, do not stand still. I've always gotten into a business and done better than everyone else. Why? The answer is to improve self-cultivation through self-study, which is really a good idea.

The iron law of life is that only 20% of people can achieve better results than the other 80%.

If you want to become smarter, you must constantly ask why, why, why. I know of only one way to answer this question, and that is to think about what caused the situation -- and then to see how long it will be before the dynamics that caused it cease to exist.

I have always been more interested in becoming a useful person than in simply becoming rich.

To invest, you need not a lot of action, but a lot of patience.

The key is to do a good job of the things at hand, take good care of the customers you already have, and the others will naturally come to you.

And the best friend, create the best career.

29. When discussing his views on the Chinese economy, Munger predicted that the prospects for China's economy over the next 20 years would be better than those of almost any other large economy.

Fully understand the limitations of objective conditions, fully understand the limitations of their own ability, and be cautious in the scope of the restrictions, which is the trick to make money. The trick is not so much "humility" as "restrained greed."

Thanks to the wisdom of Mr. Munger, he once said, "My sword passes to those who can wield it." I never thought I could dance it, I just want to scrape off some of your sword dust, so that I can touch a little of your wisdom, take every step, have the opportunity to understand some confusion, have a curiosity.

So don't give up on yourself easily, and don't belittle the worth and potential of yourself or others. Everyone has their own opportunities and possibilities, as long as they strive to pursue and actively face life, they can find their own value and meaning, and realize their dreams and goals.

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