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The source of happiness comes from a strong heart

 When you have a strong enough state of mind, there is no impasse in the world.
In fact, everyone in life will encounter similar difficulties.
In the face of life's difficulties, what we have to do is learn to work hard to improve their mood.
Keep a strong mood, even if the dilemma is difficult, it will always be solved.

A really good person, a real manager, an entrepreneur, an entrepreneur, has the guts to make decisions and take responsibility.
They don't have a glassy heart, a yes-man, a hesitancy.
They make courageous decisions and take responsibility.
Because in life and work, there are often no "perfect" decisions, or even "best" decisions.
Only decisions that have to be made, decisions that have to be made.
Sometimes, bravely break themselves, rebuild themselves, there is more room for development.

What exactly is responsibility?
Responsibility, not responsibility for the things that come to mind.
Responsibility, is responsible for those "unexpected things".
A person's greatest ability is to reassure people.
You do not need to have much ability, you need to let the proof is your ability to boundaries and progress.
You need to understand that everything in life is essentially a project.
And the first key element of project management is:

Things are impermanent, life is always up and down, and difficulties always appear inadvertently, hindering our progress.
But when you realize that adversity is just a normal part of life, you will find that:
To bypass these difficulties, the end is in front.
The real impasse is not the impasse itself, but the weak state of mind when facing the impasse.
The more desperate, the more test a person's state of mind.

A teenager said: "The weather on this road of life is changeable, but as long as you take steps, you will be able to walk into the sunny day, just like the bus driving in the rain, just out of five minutes, the rain is decreasing, and the clouds are dispersed in ten minutes, do not worry about the destination will be rainy in advance, do not be trapped by those bad emotions to walk forward." Don't worry in advance, the boat to the bridge naturally straight, can not find the answer to find yourself. Don't be afraid, the road of growth is destined to be a person to walk, some people will walk slower, some people will walk faster, but eventually meet each other somewhere, say "hello, goodbye".

If you look directly into your heart, you will find that there are many unrecognized areas. No matter how ordinary your life is, face it and live it courageously. Don't avoid it or call it names. The fault-finder will find fault even in heaven. Love your life, poor as it is; You may have moments of pleasure, excitement, and glory even in a humble room. The sun shines on the Windows of the alms-house as brightly as on the rich man's house, and the snow melts before the door in early spring.

"Small knowledge is not as good as big knowledge, and small years are not as good as big years."
Other people's scale is not your scale, everyone's world is different, the pursuit of nature is not the same.
All the source of a person's happiness comes from his strong heart.

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