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In Changjin lake, there are too many words "tough", "shock", "explosion"... "If we don't fight this war, the next generation will fight" has been lingering in our ears! Looking back is for better progress, and interpretation is for better inheritance. Let's pay tribute to the hero! 

The war to resist US aggression and aid Korea, also known as the movement to resist US aggression and aid Korea or the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea, is a part of the Korean war that broke out in the early 1950s. It only refers to the stage when the Chinese people's Volunteer Army participated in the war, and also includes the mass movement of the Chinese people to support the Korean people against US aggression.

On July 10, 1950, the "Chinese people's Korean Movement Committee against US aggression against Taiwan" was established, and the movement to resist US aggression and aid Korea began. In October, the Chinese people's volunteers went to the DPRK to fight, which opened the prelude to the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea.

In the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea, the volunteers received the full support of the PLA and the Chinese people, and the cooperation of the socialist camp led by the Soviet Union. In July 1953, the two sides signed the Korean Armistice Agreement, which ended with the victory of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea. In 1958, all the volunteers withdrew to China. October 25 is the anniversary of the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea.

There are five campaigns to resist US aggression and aid Korea. There are countless heroes in them. Let's remember the heroes first today!

Peng Dehuai: commander and political commissar of the Chinese people's Volunteer Army. The duel with MacArthur and lichwei forced the United Nations to retreat south of the 38th parallel. He was awarded the title of "hero of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea".

Yang Gensi: super hero, commander of the 3rd company of the 172nd regiment of the 58th division of the 20th army. During the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea, Yang Gensi led all platoons to retreat eight US attacks, leaving only him and one wounded soldier. He ordered the wounded soldiers to evacuate. The US army launched the 9th attack. He picked up the last explosive package, rushed into the enemy group and died with more than 40 enemies. Wang Cheng, the hero in the movie heroes, shouted: fire at me! Taking Yang Gensi as the prototype character, he picked up the blasting barrel and died with the enemy.

Huang Jiguang: Super combat hero, correspondent of company 6, 2nd Battalion, 135th regiment, 15th army. In the Shangganling campaign, the attacking troops were suppressed by machine gun fire. He was injured in many places. Suddenly, he faced the enemy's muzzle, straightened his chest, opened his arms, rushed up, blocked the enemy's machine gun muzzle, and opened up the road of victory for the troops with his life.

Xie Xiumei: the only female soldier who won the first class merit. She is a member of the literary team of the Political Department of the 202 division of the 68th army. On the afternoon of November 30, 1951, enemy planes attacked the volunteer surgery center. Xie Xiumei rushed into the burning house and carried the wounded out. The enemy plane chased her, dived and bombed, and the bomb fell. She put down the wounded, hugged them tightly, and covered the wounded with her body. When the bomb exploded, the flying rubble and clods buried them. Xie Xiumei, regardless of her pain, got up and ran forward with the wounded on her back to the air raid shelter.

Qiu Shaoyun: first class combat hero, soldier of the 9th company, 87th regiment, 29th division, 15th army. On October 12, 1952, the American incendiary bomb landed near Qiu Shaoyun's latent point, and the fire spread all over his body. In order to avoid exposing the latent troops, he gave up self-help and made a heroic sacrifice at the age of 26.

Yang Yucai: first class combat hero, deputy platoon leader of reconnaissance platoon of 607 regiment, 203rd division, 68th army. In the summer counterattack campaign of the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea, he led the reconnaissance team to make a surprise attack on the "white tiger regiment" in disguise, cut off the tiger's head in Jincheng, won a special Merit Medal, and wrote: bravely insert the enemy's heart, destroy the bandit's nest and build a miracle.

There are also many unsung heroes, such as the ice sculpture company, which would rather freeze to death than stick to its position. They eat a handful of snow by relying on a handful of fried noodles (not the current fried noodles, but directly fried with the dough bumps). They use the weapons and equipment of the backward enemy, pay their own blood and life, and play the military and national prestige! It has laid a good international environment for China's peaceful development.

Green mountains are never old, green water is carefree. It was you who wrote our beautiful life today with your fiery youth, you who exchanged your blood for national peace and tranquility, and you who won the dignity and status of new China with your precious life. Great martyr! Chinese warrior! We can remember your name and your deeds will last forever!

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