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Production, storage and transportation of triamine


Production methods


1. Dicyandiamide method
Dicyandiamide was obtained by reacting with ammonia at 200℃ in methanol solvent.
The process flow of dicyandiamide atmospheric boiling method is as follows:
This method requires 1180kg dicyandiamide (98%) and 30kg liquid ammonia per ton of products. Compared with this method, urea method has low cost and is widely used at present. Urea takes ammonia gas as the carrier, silica gel as the catalyst, boiling reaction at 380-400℃ temperature, first decomposition to cyanic acid, and further condensation to melamine. The resulting triamine gas is cooled and captured to produce coarse products, which are then dissolved to remove impurities and recrystallized to a finished product. The production of melamine by urea method consumes about 3800kg urea and 500kg liquid ammonia per ton of products.

2. Atmospheric boiling method of urea
Urea was decomposed into cyanic acid at 380 ~ 400℃ with ammonia as the carrier and silica gel as the catalyst. The resulting melamine gas is cooled and captured to produce coarse products, which are then dissolved to remove impurities and recrystallized to a finished product.

Storage and transportation conditions

1. Store in a cool and ventilated warehouse. Keep away from fire and heat. Should be stored separately with oxidants, acids, avoid mixed storage. Appropriate materials should be available in the storage area to contain leaks.

2. It shall be wrapped in polypropylene woven bag or gunny bag or kraft paper bag or plastic glass silk bag, each bag is 25kg or 40kg. Store in a cool, dry, ventilated place. Bask in, prevent heat, moistureproof, strictly prevent storage and transportation under high temperature.



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